Major Daemons Running in Master/Media/Client
Master - 4 Daemons
i) bprd -- request daemon started during the system.
ii) bpsched -- schedule daemon
iii) bpdbm -- database manager started by bpsched
iv) bpjobd -- Job monitor daemon started by bpdbm
bprd --> bpsched --> bpdbm --> bpjobd
Media - 9 Daemons
i) bpcd -- Backup Client (Since media itself is a client)
ii) bpbrm -- Backup and restore daemon
iii) bpdm -- Backup disk manager
iv) bptm -- Backup tape manager
v) ltid -- Media manager daemon started during the system boot
vi) avrd -- Automatic Volume Recognition daemon
vii) vmd -- Volume Manager daemon
viii) tldd -- robotic tape library daemon
ix) tldcd -- robotic tape library controller daemon
Client - 2 daemons
i) bpcd -- NB client daemon
ii) bpbkar -- Daemon used to take backup images.
How Netbackup process works?
There are 7 steps involve in NB
In Master Server
bprd --> bpsched --> bpdbm --> bpjobd
Step 1:
* When the daemon starts "bprd" on the master server start "bpsched"
Step 2:
* "bpsched" calls bpdbm to check the policy for auto backup schedules
"bpsched" calls the child process to handle the backup
"bpdbm" calls the bpjobd to communicate with job catalog.
Step 3:
* "bpsched" child contacts the media server to start the bpcd
In Media Server
bpcd --> bpbrm --> bptm
Step 4:
* “bpcd” invokes bpbrm
* “bpbrm” starts “bptm” which requests a tape mount and spans a child process to communicate with client.
* Vmd (Volume Manager Daemon) - manages the Volume catalog and handles media requests through out the course of the backup job.
* “bpbrm” contacts the client to start the “bpcd” in client.
In Client
Step 5: "bpcd" in the client starts the "bpbkar"
Step 6: "bpbkar" reads data from client
* Communicates directly with "bpbrm" to send catalog meta data which is ultimately written to images catalog.
* Send the backup data stream to the "child bptm" process
Step 7:
* The child bptm processes passes the data to the "parent bptm"
process which writes the data directly to the destination data.
What is Volume Group and Volume Pool?
Volume Pool
- Is nothing but the “grouping of tape”.
- Meant Volume/media/catridge/tape.
- It is a Logical Set of Tape media/Volume.
- If we want to use the newly introduced tape and to write to the data, it should be under one of the “volume pool”
We can we the Volume pools by the following ways.
In GUI, Media and Device Management --> Media --> Volume Pools
In CLI, #vmpool -list_all -bx
root@MasterServer# vmpool -list_all -bx
pool index max partially full description
None 0 0 the None pool
NetBackup 1 0 the NetBackup pool
DataStore 2 0 the DataStore pool
CatalogBackup 3 0 NetBackup Catalog Backup pool
SCRATCH_pool 4 0 for scratch media
APPSERVER_LOGS 5 1 APP server logs
DATABASE_LOGS 6 3 Database full
WEBSERVER_FULL 7 1 Web server full
Volume Group
- Is a Physical location for a media.
- Manages a group of tape for purpose of admin actions that allows movement of tapes from slots to drive and vice versa.
- All volumes in the VG should be the same media type. (HCART,DLT)
- All volumes in a robotic library must belong to a volume group. You cannot add volumes to a robotic library without specifying a group.
- We can view the Volume groups in 2 ways.
i) In GUI, Media and Device management --> Media --> Volume Groups
ii)In CLI, #vmquery -a |grep "media ID:"
root@SS73VPBK01 # vmquery -a |grep "media ID:"
media ID: CLNU01
media ID: PL5001
media ID: PL5002
media ID: PL5003
media ID: PL5004
What are the Default Volume Pools?
There are 4 volume pools created by default
i) Netbackup --> new tapes are go to this pool after inventory
ii) None (for cleaning tapes)
iii) Datastore
iv) Catalog backup
What is Scratch Pool ?
Scratch pool is the manually created volume pool and following are the procedures of scratch pool
i) Expired Tapes (volumes) are automatically moved to scratch pool by netbackup.
ii) If some other pools used for taking backup doesn't have any tapes available, it will take empty tapes from here.
What is Multistreaming and Multiplexing?
i) Sends data from single client to multiple data drives. Normally used in high
bandwidth environment.
ii) Backups can be divided into streams. Different jobs in different tape.
iii) Taken place in software level.
i) Send different jobs/data into a single tape. Schedule level backup
ii) It is very fast especially for small environment.
iii) Taken place in hardware level.